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Opposition to the Queens visit

12th April 2011

A Chara,

The National Graves Association opposes the upcoming visit to Ireland by British Queen Elizabeth Windsor.

The invitation has been extended by President, Mrs. McAleese, who herself is claimed as a "subject" by the British monarchy. Therefore under British law our president is expected to offer unswerving loyalty and obedience to Mrs. Windsor.

Eamon O’Cuiv (Fianna Fail) on the recent B.B.C programme Spotlight informed viewers: “All heads of state on state visits lay a wreath at the Garden of Remembrance in memory of those who gave their lives for Irish Freedom”. It would be an insult to our patriot dead if the Queen of England who is claiming sovereignty to a part of our country was permitted to visit the memorial. It would be a direct challenge to what our patriots died for, "A 32 County Republic".

In 1900 Queen Victoria visited Ireland. Then, as now, she did not receive an over enthusiastic welcome. Dublin Corporation, however, was at the head of the band “bending the knee". Motions were put and carried condemning "the slavish attempt of Lord Mayor Pile and the other members of the corporation who voted a loyal address to the queen of England, in as much as such action is an endorsement of England's policy in Ireland and a repudiation of the principles of Nationalism". Another resolution called on people to repudiate the action of those who voted the address and recommended the taking of steps "to free Ireland from the disgrace of being misrepresented by renegades who seek castle favors at the cost of national honour". Sound familiar?

The Men and Women who died trying to free our country can only be fittingly honoured when Ireland is united and free. Come that day the British monarchy may be welcomed to visit us as neighbours and as equals. Not until that day.

Is Mise

Matt Doyle

National Graves Association

Box 7105 74 Dame Street.

Dublin 2.

087 2282033 to verify letter

